Friday 11 September 2020

BLOGGER new way to embed videos

Who knows how such data-driven giants can make such dumb, careless decisions, but they've made a right mess of the Blogger interface.

The old, simple method of pasting an embed code, checking just ONCE...EVER that interpret HTML is selected in OPTIONS has been mysteriously ditched - and you can't change the default to just display HTML.

So, I've figured out a way to do it.

Always do --- + return + ---, to paste into the blank line

type H + return a few times

Now, change the view from compose to HTML (the icon on the very left)

Look for the H's (you'll see br or p tags after them.

Paste your embed code in before the 1st H (as in my screenshot)

Switch back to compose mode + hit preview to check.

It should work...

Delete the H's!

Now say rude things about Google!




